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What’s a little (a lot of) sugar?

Self – Quarantine (Day 24)

April 7, 2020

Our neighborhood has a facebook group where events are usually posted. That's where we learned about our neighborhood’s Easter Egg hunt and decided to participate. Basically, we all agreed to print out some fun sheets for the kids to color and hang on the windows for the neighbors to find when they went out for walks. (I guess one of the neighbors saw that idea on some other Facebook group)

Today, after Thia’s online class, we got to work coloring some eggs and Easter messages and hung them up.

I should have taken a picture from the outside 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think the kids only understood the purpose of this activity later when they took their bikes out and spotted some pictures in neighboring houses. I personally enjoyed feeling part of the community and a little less isolated.

Later in the day, Alex kept asking to help me in the kitchen. I didn’t need any help. But he insisted. So, I checked the pantry and found a bag of Betty Crocker cookies…They were calling my name. I knew I’d end up eating 90% of the cookies we made – but whatever!

They are ridiculously easy to prepare.

Alex literally stood still, very patiently, for 10 minutes in-front of the oven timer.

The moment he’s been waiting for…time to take the cookies out of the oven.

We made about 20 of these.

Thia: Mama, can we add frosting & sprinkles? Me: To chocolate chip cookies? Thia: Yes, please! Me: Sure. Whatever.

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