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Weekends Can Still Be Great!

Updated: Feb 29

Self-Isolation (Day 15)

March 29, 2020

Our Sundays have been consistent for a couple of years now. We would start the day at the Coptic Orthodox Church in Houston, where we would attend the liturgy. Then the kids would attend Sunday School while we sipped coffees and munched on double chocolate muffins at the closest Starbucks with a few friends. Some Sundays, Thia, our 7-year-old, would have Girl Scout meetings, or one of the kids would have a birthday party to attend. If not, then we’d go for late lunch or early dinner with friends. Sundays were good. Sundays were for God and family and friends.

Now, just because we are practicing social distancing, and currently on lock-down, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our Sundays and follow a loose version of what we had before. I have this sense of urgency, this need, to preserve significant relationships and traditions - just things as they were.

True, church has canceled all events and services – but there are plenty of recorded liturgies online. I can, and I will, find one that’s kid friendly to stream online next weekend. (If you have recommendations, shoot them my way!) Our Sunday School teachers have proactively set up virtual class and Thia was able to attend and participate in the morning, once again, thanks to Zoom. She was able to see her friends and we achieved something resembling normalcy.

While we couldn’t eat out with all our friends, (and probably won't for a while) we hung out with one family that’s also been self-quarantining. Who knew we'd be using that verb so often! Anyhow - the kids let go of their anxiety as we shared a homemade meal with familiar faces and took a walk at George Bush Park.

This Sunday was good. It restored a little of the connection we’ve been missing. And I’ll work this week on re-establishing our connection with God’s house, as well.

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