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Ughh Homeschooling

Updated: May 18, 2020

Self-Quarantine (Day: I lost count)

April 20, 2020

We learnt this weekend that school won’t physically resume till August.

“Governor Abbott issued orders for Texas schools to stay closed for the rest of the school year.” (News article excerpt)

I had predicted that from Day 1. But I wasn’t ready to hear it officially, just yet.

I’m soooooo not up for home-schooling or following up on my kid’s distance-learning or whatever you want to call it. In fact, I’m already done with that. We didn’t even finish half of last weeks assignments. She doesn’t want to do them. And I hate nagging. And frankly, I don’t want to disturb the peace in the house – the kids are playing together just fine on their own. When I drag Thia to do school work, Alex gets all whiny and bored. So, I end up having to yell explanations to Thia while trying to keep the baby away from the screen, and Alex entertained some other way.

So what did we do today? Well, we did a couple of assignments for school. Kids read like five stories. We FaceTimed our cousins for almost an hour, showcasing artwork and Easter Eggs. The kids watched TV for like 40 minutes (while I cooked) before arguing about what show to watch next, and hence forcing me to switch it off.

Thia played with water colors on a piece of cardboard outside.

The hubby and I worked on a mini home improvement project. And by that I mean we hung up shades on the window. 😂 We let the kids believe the packaging was actually a great masterpiece awaiting creation. Help yourself to paint brushes !

Alex even brought his “toolbox” and "drilled" away at the red brick so that he could “help” Daddy. It was cute, but I forgot to snap pictures of him in his safety goggles.

After we put the kids to bed, we took turns biking around in our neighbourhood’s dark streets. It was refreshing. Weather was cool. Night was quiet. Maybe we can turn that into a routine – I just need to remember to take some headphones next time and pick some fun tracks to listen to.

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