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8 Things I Love About My Three-Year-Old

Updated: May 13, 2020

Last week my baby turned three.

Three years old.

The saying, the days are long but the years are short, has never rung so true for me!

Technically, a three-year-old is no longer a baby. She is a little girl now. A smart, amiable, strong-willed, and innocent little girl. A little girl in terms of size (she just about reaches my hips and yes I’m short) and a little girl in terms of spirit.

Here's my list of things I love and adore about her:

  1. She's passionate about shoes; ballerinas, converse, boots, you name it and she'll wear it.

  2. She loves both, dolls & cars, with a slight preference to SUVs.

  3. She's obsessed with Disney's “Frozen,” princesses in general, and for some odd reason Spider-Man is also a favorite character.

  4. She's a typical girl, with a love for anything pink!

  5. She's a mini me singing and dancing and twirling in dress-up costumes (or polka dot PJs) all day long.

  6. She is persistent and pushes herself to achieve new milestones everyday (like putting on her shoes by herself).

  7. Her eyes glow as she learns new details while rereading the same bedtime story 5 times a night, 10 nights in a row

  8. She likes screaming her brothers name in sing-song right after I put him to bed 🙂A typical big sister? Ha!

And even though I have a baby in my arms as a type this – who still has that newborn smell lingering in his hair, I still think she is my baby too.

She still wants my attention every waking minute of the day when I’m in her sight. She is still soothed by my voice when she's upset or angry. She still wants to put her ear against my chest to find the rhythm of my beating-heart to sleep by. She still prefers me over anyone else in the world.

See? She is a baby.

A baby that may be growing up too fast for me. Because yes, Thia turning three is not just about her – it’s about me too! It’s almost like a wake-up call. I am becoming very aware of the time slipping by and that her being this small and cute won’t last too long…soon she will be a kid I can’t stand: a tween (seriously the labels they come up with!)

So yeah, I’m trying to focus hard and engrave all our lovely moments together in my memory.

Moments like when she pulls up a chair to the kitchen counter to help me bake a marble cake and spills waaaaay more baking powder than she should, right into the batter. Or like when she walks into her preschool and insists everyone call her Elsa, and curtsy afterwards. Even the moments when I’m exhausted and yelling at her for something silly, and then she turns all coy and cute and makes me melt into a smile 🙂 Her turning three is making me think long and hard about how to slow down and enjoy every second of that childhood of hers…

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