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STOP the Kissing!

You all know how I am not particularly fond of kissing when greeting people (I’m a freak of nature – remember?)…especially in the heat. It’s just a plain “talzee2” (sticky) tradition if you ask me. 2 kisses on the cheeks to greet people. WHY? Most people don’t really look like they enjoy it. Actually a lot of people try to avoid it now and throw kisses in the air. Anyway, I silently endured this annoying tradition my whole life and tried not to think about it too much. Until now. Until I had a baby and people started kissing her too…

So I’m going to muster up some courage and ask politely now: Kindly refrain from kissing my baby.


Don’t kiss her face. Or her hands. Or her feet. When that happens – all I see is germs being passed on to her. She puts her hands and feet in her mouth you know – so they really need to stay clean. You may, on the other hand, kiss the top of her head. OOr her arms or legs or those big fat thighs. Face? No. Hands? No. Feet? No.

I know babies are generally irresistibly cute and we all wanna eat them up…but please don’t do that. I’m not just talking about my own baby here. I’m talking on behalf of a lot of upset mothers who take out their sanitizers and wipes and wipe those baby faces, hands and feet once people are done slobbering all over them! This is a fact. 50% of mothers I know do this. They do not want germs on their babies! In fact, I’m writing this post after I saw how a bunch of girls slobbered all over a poor tiny baby infront of the too-embarrassed-to-say-anything mum. I looked into her eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking.

Oh and what is up with random strangers doing that? Seriously, I’m at the mall, window shopping and bam! She’s attacked! OOooooooo this cutie cutieeeee pie (let me just slobber all over her and touch her without your permission) smooch smoochhhhhhhh. I look down at the poor kid who’s face is now covered with some strangers saliva and think “WHAT the hell? WHO are you to touch my kid?” And WHY? STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! uuffff. I mean I thought random strangers in the US asking about my kids weight at birth was kind of weird….but this unbelievable phenomenon in Egypt is plain annoying. The next time someone does that I’m going to scream at them. I’m pretty sure all mothers out there would support me when I say “Do NOT touch my kid without my permission…or I’ll kill you.”

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