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Sound of Music

Self-Quarantine (Days 20 – 22)

April 3-5, 2020

At the start of this self-quarantine period I had agreed with the kids that Fridays would be Family Movie Night. Each family member would get a turn to pick a movie for us all to watch together.

So far we’ve seen Toy Story 3, A Bug’s Life, and most recently, The Sound of Music, chosen by yours truly, of course.

Alex is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear – so I wasn’t at all surprised he picked this movie.

Since we’ve been seeing a ton of bugs in the great outdoors (that’s actually our backyard), the movie seemed quite fitting for the times. Chosen by Thia.

Apart from it being one of my favorite movies, I chose The Sound of Music 🎶 because it is a slow paced, no action, no bright colors, no weird sound effects, and no headache-inducing noise kind of movie. I wanted to expose the kids to movies outside of cartoons. They’d never actually watched anything else. Of course, I’d been planning this for a while and I have been playing the Sound of Music soundtrack and teaching them some of the songs while we had lunch, several afternoons.

I’m happy to report that the kids fell in love with Julie Andrews. Alexa and Google have since received a 1000 requests for Raindrops on Roses, and Do Re Me.

Thia’s intent focus on the lyrics in any song is reminiscent of my own. She’s heard the songs over and over in order to write down the lyrics. And of course, there is no way I’m telling her we can Google them. I’m not evil, but she’s sharpening her focus and learning to spell new words! How’s that for homeschooling? 😃

And yes, it took us three days to watch this movie 🍿

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