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Sleeping Beauty

Ever since I had Thia I’ve dreamed of a baby that can sleep through anything. You know those babies? The ones whose parents can take them to a club and they don’t even sigh. Those babies that can sleep through tornadoes. Those babies that fall asleep on the couch and don’t bat an eyelid when their parents pick them up and move them… Ah well. We can’t have everything now, can we? I don’t have such a baby. Mine used to sleep in noisy atmospheres up until she was about two months. Then after that newborn stage was over – a fly could pretty much wake her up. She is a terrible sleeper. We took a 13 hour flight to NYC and she slept a total of 2.5 hours in 45-minute naps. It was a disaster. So anyway – like I was saying – I dreamed about that baby that sleeps. And one night my dream came true. Mind you – it was just for one night – but it was amazing – to the point of scary!

We were in NYC and had made plans to meet up with friends for dinner. Thia fell asleep at 5:30pm and I thought she was going down for a late nap. No problem I thought, I’d rather have her rested then cranky throughout the dinner. 30 minutes later my hubby and I were dressed and ready to go. She still hadn’t woken up. So I decided to move along the process and started dressing her and putting her in her big winter bunting. She didn’t stir. Weird, I thought, she usually starts crying at even the gentlest of probing. I put her into her stroller and we got into the elevator. The ting ting elevator sound didn’t wake her up either. We walked about 20mins, pushing along her stroller in the snow till we reached our destination and she slept through her bumpy ride with no problems… The restaurant was dimly lit but had some good tunes playing out and it was quite noisy with people’s chatter and the clinking and clanking of plates and tableware. Surely she’ll wake up now, I thought to myself. Nothing. I began to freak out. I checked her breathing and pulse. She seemed fine. Sleeping peacefully. We ate our meal and caught up on each other’s lives, with me checking on Thia every 10mins. Even though this is what I’ve always dreamed of – I didn’t enjoy a second of it. Because it was Unusual. We got home and I changed her into her pjs and she continued sleeping as if under a spell. She slept through the night too. And woke up at 5am feeling refreshed! Guess she must have been kissed by her prince charming at that point 😉

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