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Parenting level: Facepalm

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

Life with a three year old is hard. I mean, it requires an amazing amount of self-control. You read mommy blogs & parenting articles, and have therapy sessions with other parents, trying to get the hang of this parenting gig. You question yourself, a hundred times a day, “Am I doing the right thing? Should I tone it down? Am I giving them enough hugs? Should I have yelled that loud? Are they sleeping too late?” And this cycle of doubt goes on and on and on. Yet, just when you think you’ve got it right – you find out it really doesn’t matter – because:

After I warned Thia (3 years & 1/4 old) not to touch my dress, that was submerged in about three gallons of soapy water in a small tub to soak– she proceeded to stick her foot in the tub and tipped over the whole tub of water onto the floor. Did I mention its three gallons?

She then proceeded to return to her room and play with her dolls. I only noticed the incident, of course, when my one year old son sat in the bathroom doorway splashing water with his hands and feet and having a blast 🙂

Dad (after a lengthy, gentle, discussion of why this behavior was frowned upon and how she should listen to instructions and so on): Okay Thia, because you did not listen to mum on purpose, you will get some time out for two minutes. Agreed?

Thia throws herself on the floor and protests: But whyyyyyyyy

Mum: Because you purposely played in the tub after I had warned you not to.. When mum says don’t do something then you don’t do it.

Thia: But I just…I wanted to see…if if if…I wanted to know….to see blah blah

Two minutes later (after time out)

Mum: Thia, do you understand why you took a time out?

Thia: Time out? No. What time out? I didn’t take a time out…

Mum & Dad: facepalm


Thia & Alex playing in the tub after time-out


Yes, I understand that kids have a natural curiosity that drives them to do all sorts of stuff - messy/ dangerous etc...This is just an excerpt of the day, and I promise you we let our kids play with water, in safe environments.

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