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Nature, at George Bush Park

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Self-Isolation (Day 14)

March 28, 2020

It’s the weekend! Yaaaay! Okay, well the only thing this really means these days is that Dad doesn’t have any work-calls. Even Thia knows this by now because her response was an uninterested, “Yeah, it’s the weekend. So what?” Okay kiddo, some positivity, please!

We decided to take a walk right after breakfast and venture into George Bush Park. We moved to this area almost 8 months ago and have been talking about going into the park for ages. We checked out Google Maps first and saw that we could safely follow the bike trail in there.

It’s a wide enough trail so we attempted to teach Alex to ride a bike, again. He did better this time. He finally understood the concept of pedaling “if you stop pedaling, the bike will stop!”

I think he will get the hang of it, this week, if we go for a ride every day.

Next step: we need to teach Thia to ride without training wheels and then buy her a bigger bike!

On our walk, we talked about safety when venturing out into a park like this. For example, the importance of staying on the trail to avoid getting lost and why we should always stick to the right side of the trail. We also picked some pretty purple wildflowers and learnt that it’s best to actually leave them alone because they have tiny ants all over them 🙂

Once the walk was over, and presumably the “nature” part of the day – we went home only to find this little fellow on our window:

Hubby and I were more fascinated with the grasshopper than the kids were. 😂

In the news:

Basically, Australia is about to test a theory that those vaccinated against tuberculosis have a better chance fighting off the novel coronavirus or Covid-19. That vaccine is still being given to children in certain countries. I know I’ve received it as a child. But my children haven’t because the US doesn’t see it as a necessary vaccine anymore…

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