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Nail Colors

Self – Quarantine (Day 32)

April 15, 2020

A few more days to Orthodox Easter. For the first time, churches will be closed and we will celebrate by watching the church's live-stream. But, we’ve also decided to invite a couple of friends over for Easter dinner, to create some sense of festivity. I’ll need to start cooking tomorrow morning!

Today is Wednesday, we finished up a couple of school assignments in the morning and then went out to play all afternoon.

Christian is in love with balls – he is content just pushing one around all day.

I've noticed that Alex has been getting along with his brother a little better now. They are spending more time together and watching them play makes my heart full 🥰 best friends in the making – I hope!

It’s not pool weather, but that never stops Christian from dipping his feet into the water.

Back in the house, Thia begged to put some nail polish on. “Ughhh,” I thought to myself. I know I know, little girls want to be just like mum. And it’s a little pleasure – so what’s the big deal? Well, I’ve had a strict rule on nail polish for a while: we can only do it once during the summer and once during winter vacation. Why? Because I hate the way nail polish looks on little girls. It peels off and looks gross in a matter of hours. Moreover, I personally think it’s unnecessary and makes them grow up too fast. I wanted to delay the whole nail polish and make-up phase for as long as possible. She’s only 7.

But here we are, in quarantine, for God knows how long. There isn’t much to do. I can make an exception. So, I gave in to her pleas and decided to turn it into mother-daughter bonding time. She was ecstatic! We painted our nails in the same kid-friendly colors. And she FaceTimed everyone we know to show them off 😂At the end of the day, I was glad to break the rules for her; we both had fun, and she will remember this!

Matching nails 🙂

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