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Love Is

What is love? 🎶 Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no no 🎶 I mean, can you even say that first sentence without singing this song? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, Here's a short list of what love has felt like in our marriage.

Love is when my husband lies on my side of the bed to warm it up for me during the winter.

Love is when I sip his tea to make sure it’s exactly the way he likes it, even if I don’t like tea. Love is when he takes only one piece of chocolate and leaves me the rest of the bar because he knows I love it. Love is when we eat out and I leave him some of my food when I’m not full yet, because I know he’ll still be hungry after he's gobbled up all of his. Love is when he slows down his pace because I walk slower when I'm wearing heels, even though it tires him out. Love is when I greet him with a smile and a warm hug when he comes home, despite my own very bad day. Love is him tending to my DIY projects during the weekend when all he really wants to do is take a nap.

Love is returning that gorgeous lamp back on the shelf at HomeGoods knowing he wouldn't appreciate the price tag, and not wanting to upset him.

Love is him opening the car door for me, without fail, when I give him the chance :)

Love is cooking his favorite meal time and time again, even if I won't eat any of it myself.

Love is taking the time, to think about the other's needs, wants, desires, and plain basic requests, and fulfilling them with a smile and content in your heart.

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