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Lost & never found

I lost my hair comb today. I searched frantically for it but there was no sign of my big black comb. I fear that it may have fallen to the floor at some point and in that case I will never find it…not in this lifetime anyway. Because things that fall to the floor in our house, fall into the tiny hands of our little munchkin. They are either eaten or hidden away in the weirdest and least expected of places. In the case if the comb – for all I know she could’ve wedged it between cushions or thrown it in the trash. That’s not he only thing I’ve lost lately. My stuff keeps disappearing. My sunglasses were in my hair and poof. Gone. Forever. In fact I’m losing my ACTUAL HAIR. Thia’s favorite way to wake me up is tug on hair till she tears some out and plays with it in her hands. I’m really scared of what I might lose next!

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