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How I ace my finals

I really can’t get over the idea that I have finals…That I’m back in university – at Harvard of all places! – and I have finals this week. And yet, here I am, procrastinating and writing a blog post instead of actually studying for said finals, just like the old days of AUC, and the preceding ones of high school… Yes, I was top of my class in high school and completed my BA with a high GPA, but the truth is: I’m a HUGE PROCRASTINATOR and I leave things to the last second before I start working on them or studying. I think in the past, God felt sorry for me and helped me out, because surely my sole effort wasn't enough!

During my senior year in high school, instead of studying, I'd place a novel inside my textbooks and get lost in it for hours before looking up and realizing the day was gone. I was a sucker for Dean Koontz's suspense and mystery novels, and Francine Pascal’s Fearless novel series. In just the two months before I sat for my 10 final GCSE exams, I read a novel series composed of 28 books. Yes. Twenty Eight. I also had this whole ‘I’m trying to be athletic’ thing going on, and I made sure to play basketball for at least an hour every single day. And week-ends were my no-study time - I needed to de-stress and roller blade and read more novels of course - so essentially my time spent studying was minimal.

At AUC…let’s just say I was in love and I was out with my friends every other day and too involved in extra-curricular activities, so studying was not a priority at all. The only motivation I had to cram before my finals back then was my dad - I didn't want to disappoint him so of course I'd pull all nighters and keep that GPA sweet and high.

Now, come Harvard, and everything is different. I’m married; so the lovey-dovey dating phase is over. I have no friends. lol. They aren’t around physically anyway. I've left all my books at home and literally have no money to buy new ones. Basketball? Forget it, its way below zero degrees and I haven't the faintest idea where the closest hoop is anyway. Technically, my old distractions are down to 0% and I do have a new study app on my phone that helps me plan my week and keep track of assignments and so on. So, I should be okay this time around.

Ha! Unfortunately, I do have the biggest procrastination tool of all time: Facebook. And YouTube. Oh, and my blogging. Aaaaaannnddd What’s App messenger. And Skype. And an iPad on which I watch all the TV series I love. Oh, AND a new exercise routine. See – these are all awesome procrastination tools.

In addition of course, I have my tiny home to take care of, laundry, and a hubby & a stomach of my own to spend a couple of hours cooking for each day. So, as you can see, no matter what life stage I’m at, my personality hasn'’t changed much. I still suck at studying for my finals…But I ace them. Sometimes.

Final Thought: Are you as bad at this as I am? Do you have any advice?

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