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Green Thumb or Whaaaaaat!

Self – Quarantine (Day 43)

April 27, 2020

I don’t remember keeping plants alive for this long. Ever. Today, I’m just going to show off my newly discovered “green thumb.” By the way, a green thumb refers to the “natural talent for growing plants,” which, I have, of course.

Okay seriously, look at this jumbo orchid we received as a housewarming gift back in October. I followed the instructions to the dot. And look at that – it’s blooming again! I’m so proud of myself. I thought it was dead for sure when all the leaves fell in February.

As for this little succulent, I picked it up at a baby shower back in December. And it’s still alive! I must admit its counterparts died within two weeks. So, yaaaay, another win!

Now the real evidence of my green thumb are these little plants in the below picture. The kids and I have been collecting seeds from honey crisp apples and attempting to plant them. I think we planted 15 or so seeds back in February. So far, 5 little Plants have sprouted. We’ve even moved two of them out of pots and into the ground. If all goes well, we may have an apple tree or two in 10 years time 😂😂 wish us luck! Evidently, we are new to gardening, hence, any tips or tricks on how to keep these alive will be greatly appreciated!

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