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Boston Common & Public Garden

There isn’t much to be said about Boston’s public parks…except that they are awesome!

Maybe I’m saying this because I’ve been deprived of public parks all my life. Growing up in desert countries, we didn't see much greenery. I find the parks in Boston seriously beautiful and reflective of the city’s priorities. (I.e.: to provide a fun, safe, and clean space for people to enjoy the outdoors.)

If you ever visit Boston, you’ve got to make a stop at Boston Common and Public Garden in the downtown area. These two parks are definitely in my top five spots in Boston. Good weather would have me bike from Harvard Business School all the way to these beautiful parks, by way of Charles River of course, just to sit in the sun and savor a strawberry danish. These parks are often littered with students like myself on sunny afternoons, and young moms with their children chasing squirrels or feeding the ducks. Just existing there fuels up my positive energy tank. When you get there, you can just walk around and soak in the greenery, grab a bite from one of the street vendors, or hop onto the swan rides for a more serene take. There are plenty of quiet spots to relax or get lost in a book too. There's even a little history to explore, if you look hard enough!

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