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How to Tell a Bedtime Story in 2 hours

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

It’s bedtime.

No. It’s 35 minutes past bedtime, but, whatever.

I start improvising a bedtime story as soon as my 2 kiddos are finally snuggled in bed, “The sky is blue an-“

Thia: “No Mama. You mean -mama – you mean the steps. Mama the steps.”

Me: “Ok the steps are blue. And the sky i-“

Thia: “Mama tell Alex to be quiet.”

Me: “Alex, please stop humming. Anyway, the sky is blue and full of stars. And -“

Thia, speaking matter-of-factly: “No. If it was full of stars then it’s dark blue.”

Me, getting just a little impatient: “And the night is upon us”

Thia, questioning me: “What is upon us?

Me: “It means it’s night-time now.”

Thia: “The sky is upon us?”

Me: “No, the night is upon us.

Thia: “But, but- the sky is the night. And the morning is-” 

Interrupting her because I sensed she was just wasting time and was going to start gibberish, I said, “There was a big house. A very big house and – Alex, please lie down. Thia stop touching your brother and turn around.”

Alex: “Mama. Mama what’s …upon us؟”

Thia, in that big-sister voice: “It means night, Alex.” Then quickly, “Mama, there is a new friend in our class.”

Me: “What’s her name?”

Thia: “Cozy”

Me: “Her name is Cozy? Okay. Fine.”

Thia: “Can she come to my birthday?”

Me, exhaling slowly: “Yes. So, the house is full of mice! Bi-“

Alex, angrily: “It’s MY Birthday!!”

Thia, teasing him: “No Alex, your birthday is in September.”

Alex starts whining, ignoring him I continue: “Big mice, little mice, brown mi-“

Thia: “But mama, the house should be full of people.”

Taking a deep breath and straining not to yell, “Can you just let me tell the story? Please.”

Thia: “Yes.”

Alex starts chanting in a whisper: “Storyyyy storyyyy storrrrrryyyy”

Me: “Ok. So the mice were a big happy family. Living in the house. But th-“

Alex: “Mama I want waterrrrr.”

Thia: “Oh me too. Mama pleeeeeeeease can I have some water too?”



Yes, my kid slept with face-paint on. Judge me. I dare you.

An hour later. Alex is in dreamland. And – 

Thia: But I don’t wanna sleep!”

Me, whispering to my myself: God, please give me the strength not to kill anyone today.

Thia: what?

Me: “Oh my GOD! Turn around and go to sleep!”

Thia: “But mama, why are you yelling?”

Me: Bye Thia. Good night. See you tomorrow.

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