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I think this is officially Thia’s favorite time of the day! She really enjoys her baths, and especially more so, now that she can sit up and play. We do need some plastic bath toys though as she has started using her sponge as a chew toy! But back to the bath-love story – I think she sees it more as a game instead of a hygiene necessity. Fine by me. Whatever makes her happy. Actually – not only ‘happy’ but forgetful too. i.e.: if she starts getting cranky – I just throw her in to play and she’s all smiles and giggles in a couple of minutes! Actually, just the thought of a bath makes her happy. I know this because we have a special bathtime song that we sing pre-bath to get her ready and in the mood. It makes her squeal in excitement! And yet, every single time I put her into the water she squiggles and stiffens up in protest. It’s like “MUM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” then she starts to process…”Ohhhhh that’s what you’re doing!”

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