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Alexandria – إسكندرية

Updated: Feb 29

The wind flirted with my hair and the breeze carried the unmistakable scent of the Mediterranean Sea. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with that healing fresh air. Taking my sunglasses off, I saw my hair turn gold with the setting sun. Black & orange cabs still filled the streets, and as we drove by the restored world-renowned Bibliotheca Alexandrina, I smiled nostalgically. I'm finally back. I gazed at the shoreline, where people from all over Egypt gathered to watch the most beautiful sunset, and the memories hit me like the crashing waves below us.

I could see a 5 year-old me holding my uncle’s hand; skipping and twirling excitedly on the courniche knowing we’re gonna get some tasty BBQed corn cobs. I used to love going out with him and his friends for long walks by the beach on warm summer nights. I had no interest or understanding in their conversations, but felt adored and spoiled by all. I loved the adventures I took with my young aunt, through the store-filled alleys up to the seafront, where we'd watch the sun set right into the sea, “Wave bye-bye to the sun, loulou!” She’d tell me. It never grew old, and every sunset was as fascinating as the one before.

Beaming, I held my hubby's hand and tried to take in everything that came through my five senses. Closing my eyes, this time I could see my dad, my cousins, and 7-year old me riding bikes along the wide courniche in Ma'moura, after a long day soaking in the sun at the beach, building sandcastles, and playing in 4-foot waves…

My old Alexandria, i.e.: إسكندرية had carefree summer vibes like no other place on earth. I do believe this city’s name is best said in Arabic. It carries a lot more history, culture, and heritage when pronounced in Arabic. My إسكندرية was all about my grandparent’s home in San Stefano where we spent every summer from the day I was born up until my first year of college. It was those shopping sprees with my grandmother in search for the best textiles, thread colors, matching buttons, shiny pearls and beads to make my mother's next outfit. It was about those nights I spent wide awake in bed, quite content, listening to my family’s conversations in the balcony and pretending to be asleep when my father passed through the room. It was about my brother and I sneaking into the piano room to play some ‘music’ while the adults all had an afternoon nap…And also about my little brother snatching up my Barbie dolls and snapping their heads off just to tease me...

For me, Alexandria is so much more than just my mother’s birthplace… Returning here today, with a family of my own, I want so badly to convey all of those positive associations to them. Alexandria, my vibrant city by the sea, where I can reminisce joyfully at unfeigned family gatherings overflowing with unconditional love…

What's your Alexandria?

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