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You're not alone

Sharing our thoughts, struggles, and joys of motherhood. We can all do this together.

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Ages 3 - 8

Ideas to keep them entertained; pandemic, summer, or otherwise!



Simple and fun recipes & snack ideas for every mom out there.

Check out some of our posts below


Hubby’s death wish

It often seems as though my hubby has a death wish. I mean, there can't be any other explanation for certain circumstances. For instance:...

My kitty cat

If you saw my face you’d think I own an untamed kitten. With long nails. But I don’t.  I own a baby. I mean I have a baby. This baby of...

STOP the Kissing!

You all know how I am not particularly fond of kissing when greeting people (I’m a freak of nature – remember?)…especially in the heat....

Random thoughts of Thia

“Mmmm I just showered. I have a clean bodysuit on and cute new Pj’s. I feel clean! Too clean…it’s spit-up time!” “Let’s poop in the...

Poop machine?

Of course my title is more conservative than what they actually called babies in an article I read…”shit machines” they said. And I...

Things I miss!

Yaaaaay my bundle of joy is out of my tummy…but there are quite a few things I already miss about being pregnant…for example: 1. I miss...

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