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Our Story

We are a group of Egyptian & fresh off the boat, seasoned and first time moms. Here to share stories for laughs & experience for support. 


Sally has always been a writer. As a kid, she was mesmerized by how ink flowed onto paper to make beautiful poetry. She started blogging back in college when she was Editor-in-Chief of the student paper. She enjoyed it so much and didn't stop while she managed international brands’ media and advertising campaigns, or when she got married, or even while she completed her Master of Arts in Management from Harvard University. Bringing three kids into the world did hinder her, but she came back with an upbeat attitude and a little sense of humor. ​


Nardine is a woman of many hats. She's an electronics engineer by trade & leads a life full of fun creations. She's up for any task and pours buckets full of love & excitement into whatever she does. Ask her to bake a cake & decorate it, or plan a birthday party & implement it, or design a piece of jewelry, or entertain a 4 year old, day after day & month after month during lockdown with arts & crafts and new activities. It really doesn’t matter what you ask - she’s never out of ideas and they are always creative & beautiful!



Engy, pronounced EN-jee, is a software engineer who has moved across many teams within Microsoft and across two continents seeking a more adventurous life. She is also married to another Microsoft engineer and is a mom of 2; a smart 7 year old boy and a bubbly 2 year old girl. In addition to creative coding, she loves baking, cake decorating, painting, gardening, and audio books. She is the woman behind the art sold in our online shop. 


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